Believe it! Arizona has some of the best wineries in the country. When thinking about the state of Arizona, the belief is it is a desert filled with cacti and rattlesnakes. This couldn’t be farther from the truth! While yes, part of Arizona is indeed a desert, the state overall has many different climate zones.
Roughly an hour’s drive north you’ll be in the cool temperament of the Verde Valley. The Spanish name for “green” valley, this region of Arizona creates perfect conditions for grape farming and wineries. Rich in early Arizona history and beautiful scenery, a trip to Arizona wine country is a must for locals and visitors alike.
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Situated in a valley surrounded by mountains, the town of Cottonwood sprang as a farming community for nearby historic mining towns. Those same conditions are now taken advantage of for cultivating wine grapes. Many of the tasting rooms are located in the historic buildings of Cottonwood now repurposed for the rising popularity of the wines that are now fermenting there. The 20+ wineries in this small valley would not survive if the conditions weren’t right and the industry thriving.
Whether you visit the nearby towns of Cottonwood, Jerome, Cornville or Sedona, there is sure to be a wine produced right here in Arizona to satisfy. Enjoy the beautiful scenery as we drive through the desert to cooler temperatures to soak up the history of Arizona with some wine with friends and family.